Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's not a Concert

Here we are at the Michael Buble' show.  He doesn't like to call it a concert, because he talks and interacts with the audience so much.  It was alot of fun!  We had a great time!

This was the best picture we could get with our dinky camera.  Note to self:  Get myself a nice camera for Bday/Christmas this year.


grandma said...

Boy I tell you what,

For an old married woman to have the hots for a young kid. Your just like all of us dirty old men.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the perfect girls night out...Fun! I like the pictures, Becky with your hot blonds hair you look about 25!

Nellie said...

I think the real Michael missed out by not posing with this gorgeous mom and daughters!

grandma said...

Dad just doesn't get it! I hope you'll be able to go to his concerts til you have enjoyed his music for 50 years, like me and Johnny Mathis. They don't get older, just better.