Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas around the house

Welcome to our home at Christmas time.  Come on in!

Since we were without a tree this year, after getting rid of our difficult to put together tree after Christmas last year, we decided to get a real tree. There's nothing in the world like the smell of a fresh Christmas tree!
Silver and Gold just like the snowman sings on Rudolph.

Here's my Santa shelves.  I haven't added to the collection for a couple of years now, better do that!
Love this trio of Santas!
Some glittery stars and candles and wire trees sit on top of the newly painted armoire.

 The fireplace gets all decked out with a feather wreath and gold glittered reindeer, berry trees and fruit garland.  Love it!
 It's fun to look at

And of course the reason for the season.  The Nativity.
Thanks for stopping by.  Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Its Beautiful!!! Love it! We got rid of our fireplace when we re did our house and I sure miss it at Christmas time, I need a place to hang the stockings, I love yours!

Great shots, you are such a photographer!

Bev said...

It's all very gorg! Love it. Has it been fun decorating a new house for the first Christmas in it?

grandma said...

You and your camera take good pictures. It looks as good in pictures as it did in person - Beautiful. Love the stars on the Blue cabinet.

Janet and Nate said...

Merry Christmas! :D

Bethany said...

Your house looks beautiful! And I love the fireplace!!