Monday, January 28, 2013

long hall wall

Well it's only taken me over FOUR years since Amanda graduated and not quite a year since Emily graduated, but I finally got their senior pictures up on the wall.  I took the pictures myself and had them printed at Costco.  I bought a canvas at Savers or Goodwill, I can't remember.  It had an unattractive painting on it, so I spraypainted it black and then placed Emily's pictures where I wanted them and modge podged.  That's it.
For Amanda's I used a painting I already had but didn't really like.  It's one of those that are painted onto a piece of wood or mdf board and no frame.  So I painted it black, placed her pictures on and modge podged.  And wahlah.
Poor Logan didn't get any senior pics, so I'll have to do a photo session with him sometime.  I reserved a spot on the wall for him.  I don't want to wait six years for Isabelle's, so I'll do the same for her.   I'd like to make one of Phillip and I and another one of some mixed pictures of all of us.  It's alot easier than trying to find individual frames for all those pictures.  And alot cheaper too!

 My hall gallery wall is coming along.


Anonymous said...

That is brilliant, I may have to copy that idea and it helps that you have such beautiful daughters. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I might have to hire you Becky! Great job!

Bev said...

Do you mod podge right over the photos? Such a good idea, can't wait to see the wall all done.