
Monday, April 23, 2012

Bloggers Block

I've had a little case of the bloggers block.  Lack of creativity.  A dry spell.  Maybe it's the hot heat we've been having, I'm so NOT ready to cook, sizzle, bake and fry for months.  Or maybe I've just been doing the normal, mundane things.  Whatever.  I haven't been blogging.  But today, today is the day.  The exciting day.  The day when I.......... wash my couch.  What?  Yes, it's true.  Things have gotten so boring around here that I must resort to this.  Unless you'd like me to show you the folding of the laundry or the cleaning of the toilets?  No?  Ok.  Well, I don't know about you but sometimes when I see everyone lying and lounging on the couch with their gross feet day after day, I get a little grossed out.  Because I switched the couches in the living room and family room, our main lounging couches are not leather and can't be wiped down easily.  So after a while I can almost see things living on them.  I know, TMI, it's not good.  But luckily my couches have zippered covers, so I took them off.

Threw them in the wash on the handwash setting.  Then I sprayed all the pillows with bounce fabric spray and threw them in the dryer to freshen them up.
And like I said, we've been having hot weather.  So why not take advantage of it and put it to work for me? 
Can anyone tell me why I have white rugs??  White rugs that have to be washed about every other day.  I don't know either. They look nice when they're clean.  For a few minutes.
And here's a pretty bush.

I hope you've enjoyed this little gem of a post.  Perhaps tomorrow you'll find me cleaning the oven or spraying down the patio.

 The possibilities are so exciting!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sometimes I can be crafty

I don't consider myself very good at crafts.  I do ok, but it's not my calling in life.  But I love banners for the holidays.  Sometimes I can come up with an idea myself and sometimes I borrow others.  I saw this idea on Sugar Baby Boutique and it was just what I was looking for.  And best of all, I had all the supplies.  Check out hers, it's really cute.  Here is my version:

It's made from book pages, scrapbook paper, and I embellished it with buttons and flowers.
I used rub on letters that I found at Goodwill for $1. 
I also used those same letters on my sugar jar
Back to my mantle.  I made this coffee filter wreath with my mom.
Her and my Dad had already done all the work of tea staining them and twisting them, (dad spent alot of time opening all of them up) then we just glued them on a wreath form and attached a flower.  I think it looks so cute on my Spring Mantle.
Now back to Goodwill (stay with me, I know it's confusing) I found these cute little letter tacks for $2.
Emily has been making bracelets, so I gave them to her to use in her jewelry making.  Here's one she made using the letters.
She made this one for me before I bought the letters, so I'm going to have her add my initial to mine.

And speaking of jewelry, back to my Dad.  He gave me this cool little clock pendant.  It doesn't look like a clock when hanging on the chain.
But wait, it twirls and spins and there is a clock inside.  Thanks Dad!
So that's my crafty story.  And I'm sticking to it.

Bunny Blog Hop

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Neighborhood

 I love my neighborhood.   It's pretty quiet, alot of retirees on my street.  I love that all the houses are different, no cookie cutters here.  Everyone says hello while walking their dog.  My neighbor across the street gave us a big bag of home grown vegetables last weekend.  Nice!  And I also love my neighborhood because they give me trash that I turn into treasure.  Well, they don't exactly GIVE it to me.  I have to hunt for it when they put it out on the curb.  But it's kind of like they're giving it to me because I know they don't want it anymore and they would probably love to know that it's going to a good home and will get a second chance at life.  I'd like to think so.
Besides the old weathered door that now has a prominent spot in my home, and the wood turned birdie bed and breakfast , I have added the newest member of the neighborhood trash to treasure program to my collection.  The chair.  If I remember right, we had these chairs around our kitchen table growing up.  Am I right Mom?  This chair is a little wobbly, but the seat is in tact and, well, it's just darn cute!   But it can be cuter.

Cottage Cute!
Well, hello rusted old milking pail that I got in Willcox while thrifting with my girls and parents.  You sure look lovely with your pretty flowers and sitting on that cute chair! 

Do you participate in your neighborhood trash to treasure program?  Please tell me you do.  My husband thinks it's the same as finding an old sock on the side of the road and wearing it.  He just doesn't understand.  Poor man.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My 3rd Senior

Emily is a Senior.  My third Senior child.  What's going on?  Where is the time going?  How did this happen?  Wasn't I just getting MY Senior pictures taken yesterday?!
 Anyway, enough of that.  We did things a little different.  We didn't go to a photography studio to take her Senior pictures.  We didn't hire anyone for a photography session.  We took matters into our own hands and kept our money in our pocket.  We did it ourselves.  She knew what she wanted and she made it happen.  I just manned the camera, trying my hand at a little amateur photography.  It was fun.  We had fun.  She is a natural in front of the camera and very photogenic.  The picture quality has been lost a little as these are copies of copies.   It's hard to pick a few, so here's more than a few: