
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sometimes I can be crafty

I don't consider myself very good at crafts.  I do ok, but it's not my calling in life.  But I love banners for the holidays.  Sometimes I can come up with an idea myself and sometimes I borrow others.  I saw this idea on Sugar Baby Boutique and it was just what I was looking for.  And best of all, I had all the supplies.  Check out hers, it's really cute.  Here is my version:

It's made from book pages, scrapbook paper, and I embellished it with buttons and flowers.
I used rub on letters that I found at Goodwill for $1. 
I also used those same letters on my sugar jar
Back to my mantle.  I made this coffee filter wreath with my mom.
Her and my Dad had already done all the work of tea staining them and twisting them, (dad spent alot of time opening all of them up) then we just glued them on a wreath form and attached a flower.  I think it looks so cute on my Spring Mantle.
Now back to Goodwill (stay with me, I know it's confusing) I found these cute little letter tacks for $2.
Emily has been making bracelets, so I gave them to her to use in her jewelry making.  Here's one she made using the letters.
She made this one for me before I bought the letters, so I'm going to have her add my initial to mine.

And speaking of jewelry, back to my Dad.  He gave me this cool little clock pendant.  It doesn't look like a clock when hanging on the chain.
But wait, it twirls and spins and there is a clock inside.  Thanks Dad!
So that's my crafty story.  And I'm sticking to it.

Bunny Blog Hop


  1. I would say that you are very crafty, such cute things, does Emily sell her bracelets, they are so cute! The spring mantle is to die for, or as Grandma would say...real good!

  2. Beck I am so glad you are still blogging. I think you are an awesome crafts women, crafter. I love your style too. Everything is so beautiful.

  3. "Real Good" and I mean it!!! I love the book pages so fun!

  4. It's always a treat to come visit your blog. It's so homey and clever! Keep em coming.....

  5. Very cute. You have so many cute things - love the mantel and bracelets. How did you find such cute letters at Goodwill? Your sugar jar even looks cute.

  6. I forgot to say how much I like the wreath, did it take long? Oh and Dad, can I put in my order for one of those pendants? so nice!

  7. I think you can say for sure that you're a crafter NOW!

    The mantle looks so lovely!

    I love how your mom and dad and daughter are in all of this too! Small 'n Simple Family blog?

    Have a sweet day!


  8. Your mantle looks so cute - and everything else. You are definitely a crafter, whether you call yourself one or not. Emily is quite the jewelry person. She should set up a site to sell some.

  9. I love that bracelet that she made....those letters kind of look like typewriter keys! They look awesome!

