
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Treasure Hunting

 I love a good yard sale.  Sometimes you don't find anything and sometimes you strike gold.  I struck gold.   This may look like junk to alot of people, but not to me.  It used to look like junk but my Mom has changed the way I look at things.  This scale was $9.  I've seen alot of old scales in antique stores and boutiques.  All of them at least $45 or more.  Look at it's rusty goodness!

This old sconce is just lovely.  Old silver, glass and crystals. * Sigh.*
This is an old eyeglass display case.  The man gave it to me for $3 and said he hopes I'll enjoy it at much as he thinks I will.  I guess my excitement wasn't contained very well.

I have plans for these ice skates.  These $3 cuties are going to look lovely on my porch next Christmas tied to an old sled that I haven't bought yet.
My daughter Emily is a good luck charm.  She always finds the best yard sales and spotted alot of these things for me.  I think we make a good team.

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  1. I love all your finds! I want good-luck-charm-Emily to come with me to a few yard sales, I never find any finds like those! Not everyone understands the love of rusty and old used things, but I do!

  2. I love your finds, that scale is cool! You have such a touch of putting it all together.

  3. Wow! You really did score some great things at great prices. I love all of them. Yes, you and Emily should team up and start up a booth somewhere. Or=== Just sell to relatives, if you can part with anything, which would be hard to do.
