
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gray wash tables

I saw a gray wash table at Marshall's while shopping with my seester and my mother.  It was lovely, the price tag wasn't.  The lamps were lovely too.  With the gift card my mother gave me, the price for the lamps was lovley.  I bought them.
I saw two small tables at D.I. while shopping with said seester and mother.  The price tag was lovely.  $15 each. The tables, not so lovely.  But I knew I could make them into the Marshall's gray wash tables of my dreams.  So I did.  Here is what they looked like in their before state of sadness.  Where's the table? I can't see it because it blends in with the floor.

I lightly sanded the whole thing.
I very unmathmatically mixed up some paint I had with some water.  I wiped it on with cheese cloth and wiped it off again.  I repeated this process until I achieved the look I was going for. And in the meantime gave myself a very gray manicure.

Here are the finished $15 looks very expensive but aren't tables.  And my lovley lamps.
It's soft, subtle and the wood tone still shows through but it's much more interesting now.

I love how they look different colors in different light.
This little makeover is a success!

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  1. Love them! So cute and I love the lamps...such a light!

  2. Becky, they look beautiful!!! YOu made them look just like the professional finish we saw at Marshall's. I thought you meant wash as in washing table but now I get it, a gray wash of paint. I'm doing that to something around here, I love it!

  3. I love how the tables turned out. I saw similar tables - unwashed - in the Pottery Barn catalog and they are very expensive. You have a good eye for bargains.

  4. They look fantastic. I love that wash. Now I just need to find some nice boring colored tables. :)

  5. Re: the mason jar lights--a thought occurred to me -- I've been using insul brite batting for making potholders insulation. Perhaps this could be placed under the top of the lid. They are gorgeous btw.

    I have a question about paint color--we have a manufactured home and I would like to paint the doors white. What color should I use?
    I tried white in the bathroom as a test and it seemed too too bright white. thanks

  6. Gena,
    what is insul brite batting? I've never heard of it before.
    I use Swiss Coffee paint by Behr on my doors and trim. It's already mixed up on the shelf at Home Depot. It doesn't seem to be too bright of a white.
