
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mirror Mirror on the wall

I have a thing for mirrors.  Not so I can look at myself in them, so I can change the look and dimensions of a room.  I found this mirror at an estate sale for $3.    It's new home is at the end of my hallway, and makes it look like the hallway goes on and on.
It's obviously old and worn but I like it that way.

This is a mirror I got at HomeGoods.  It was damaged and marked down from $130 to $45.  Smart Sister knew it belonged on my living room wall, and she was right.  It makes the room look so much bigger and brighter.  I'm still deciding if I should paint and distress it or not.  Thoughts?
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I adore it's chunkiness.

This mirror hangs at the other end of the hallway and looks out upon the family room, opening it up and reflecting all the windows from the kitchen and french doors.

My master bedroom bedside tables have mirrors hanging above them and behind the lamps to reflect the light when the lamps are turned on.  A very pretty effect.

This is another mirror from the estate sale for $5.  It hangs in my bedroom "travel wall" with prints of the places we've traveled so far.  I hope to fill it up eventually. 

It reflects the light from the window on the opposite wall.

The other bedside table and mirror.  They don't match exactly but are the same size and finish.

Mirrors can be a great decorating tool.  Who says only magicians can use mirrors?


  1. Becky, not only is Darvel the great hunter in your family. I love your finds and such a classy way to display them. Amazing!

  2. You are awesome and did you ever score at that estate sale! I would love to see your home in person some day. You are so clever. Your mirrors are great!

  3. such finds! I love mirrors too. Yours are all so pretty, I especially like your travel wall and mirror. I still think you should paint the chunky mirror frame, but it looks pretty either way!
