
Monday, January 30, 2012

Pottery Barn inspired Mason Jar lights

I have hated the lights over my kitchen sink since the day we moved in.  There is nothing wrong with them, they're just not me.  I've been looking at lights here and there but nothing jumped out at me.  I almost bought some at a yard sale but I knew they weren't the right size and didn't know how I'd configure them to fit.  I just knew I wanted these lights down. Now.

So I turned to my decorating bible and started flipping through looking for lighting ideas.  And then I saw it.  And a light bulb literally went on in my head.  Mason Jar lights!  What a great idea!  And it's in Pottery Barn!  And I have Mason Jars right now in my pantry!!
So I took the ugly lights down, washed my mason jars and spray painted the rings and lids to match the top of the existing light.  And then I had to wait for handy hubby to get home to put some holes in my jar lids.  I probably could have done it but I had no idea what tool to use.  I didn't want to mess it up.  It was an anxious wait.  But he finally got it done for me and I hung the lights.
Love. Pure Love.

I was smiling the instant I flipped the switch.  They're so bright and happy. 
The only problem is they get a little hot at the top, close to the rings.  I put the lowest watt bulb I had, 25 watts and he drilled some smaller holes in the lid for the heat to escape, but they still get hot.   I'm afraid they might crack or something.  Any suggestions?

But in the meantime I love the look they give my kitchen.

Potter Barn's 16 jar light is $400
The 5 jar light is $150
My 2 jar light is FREE
Thank You Pottery Barn for the inspiration!

linking up to:  Beneath My Heart
                       Tuesdays Treasures
                       House of Hepworths
                         it all started with paint
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mirror Mirror on the wall

I have a thing for mirrors.  Not so I can look at myself in them, so I can change the look and dimensions of a room.  I found this mirror at an estate sale for $3.    It's new home is at the end of my hallway, and makes it look like the hallway goes on and on.
It's obviously old and worn but I like it that way.

This is a mirror I got at HomeGoods.  It was damaged and marked down from $130 to $45.  Smart Sister knew it belonged on my living room wall, and she was right.  It makes the room look so much bigger and brighter.  I'm still deciding if I should paint and distress it or not.  Thoughts?
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I adore it's chunkiness.

This mirror hangs at the other end of the hallway and looks out upon the family room, opening it up and reflecting all the windows from the kitchen and french doors.

My master bedroom bedside tables have mirrors hanging above them and behind the lamps to reflect the light when the lamps are turned on.  A very pretty effect.

This is another mirror from the estate sale for $5.  It hangs in my bedroom "travel wall" with prints of the places we've traveled so far.  I hope to fill it up eventually. 

It reflects the light from the window on the opposite wall.

The other bedside table and mirror.  They don't match exactly but are the same size and finish.

Mirrors can be a great decorating tool.  Who says only magicians can use mirrors?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Treasure Hunting

 I love a good yard sale.  Sometimes you don't find anything and sometimes you strike gold.  I struck gold.   This may look like junk to alot of people, but not to me.  It used to look like junk but my Mom has changed the way I look at things.  This scale was $9.  I've seen alot of old scales in antique stores and boutiques.  All of them at least $45 or more.  Look at it's rusty goodness!

This old sconce is just lovely.  Old silver, glass and crystals. * Sigh.*
This is an old eyeglass display case.  The man gave it to me for $3 and said he hopes I'll enjoy it at much as he thinks I will.  I guess my excitement wasn't contained very well.

I have plans for these ice skates.  These $3 cuties are going to look lovely on my porch next Christmas tied to an old sled that I haven't bought yet.
My daughter Emily is a good luck charm.  She always finds the best yard sales and spotted alot of these things for me.  I think we make a good team.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gray wash tables

I saw a gray wash table at Marshall's while shopping with my seester and my mother.  It was lovely, the price tag wasn't.  The lamps were lovely too.  With the gift card my mother gave me, the price for the lamps was lovley.  I bought them.
I saw two small tables at D.I. while shopping with said seester and mother.  The price tag was lovely.  $15 each. The tables, not so lovely.  But I knew I could make them into the Marshall's gray wash tables of my dreams.  So I did.  Here is what they looked like in their before state of sadness.  Where's the table? I can't see it because it blends in with the floor.

I lightly sanded the whole thing.
I very unmathmatically mixed up some paint I had with some water.  I wiped it on with cheese cloth and wiped it off again.  I repeated this process until I achieved the look I was going for. And in the meantime gave myself a very gray manicure.

Here are the finished $15 looks very expensive but aren't tables.  And my lovley lamps.
It's soft, subtle and the wood tone still shows through but it's much more interesting now.

I love how they look different colors in different light.
This little makeover is a success!

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