Friday, September 2, 2011


I haven't felt like doing much of anything lately.
 I haven't been thrifting for treasures in forever.
 I haven't redone anything in eons.
 I haven't created anything in a long time.
 I need some get up and go.
 Some inspiration.
  Some pick me up, kick me in the seat of the pants energy.
  I need to get on pinterest.
  I'm afraid once I start I won't be able to stop.
And there I will be sitting.
At my computer.
September is paint your kitchen cabinets month.
You didn't know that?
Well it is!!
And that's why I have to stay off pinterest.
Stay tuned.


Bev said...

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets lazy - but I'm with you on the kitchen cabinets, I'm diving in to painting mine too. I can't wait!

grandma said...

I can't wait to see your progress on the cabinets. I hope you and Beverly will both post lots of pictures.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes lots of pictures, I think you all are do a lot. It has been one dogone hot, miserable summer, doesnt the heat suck out your energy and leave you lifeless?

Briannon said...

I think you should def do the piinterest thing, I mean thats where you can get your inspiration to do a bunch of fun stuff!