Monday, May 16, 2011

When you go to visit Grandpa....

You get to drive his sweet old truck! Emily and I both took our turn behind the wheel, with Grandpa giving instruction along the way.

It's almost like going back in time, getting a little taste of what it must have been like to drive one of these old classics. Driving around Pima, over to the 'ol drugstore for a grape knee high. This was Emily's very first experience driving a stick shift. What a way to learn! Grandpa is a much more patient instructor now than he used to be when I was learning stick shift.

And later we enjoyed a delicious dinner of beans and rolls, roast and vegetables. We sat in the nest and enjoyed Grandma's flower garden and the girls oohed and awwed over all of Grandma's treasures and tried to talk her out of some of them. I loved looking at Grandma's BEAUTIFUL house. I mean, my goodness! It should be in a magazine! A quick trip, but an enjoyable one.

Good times, good times. Ya'll come back now!
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Bev said...

What fun! That truck is cooooollll! And the delicious food you had! Yes, Mom's house should be in a magazine - it's fun to see what she's changed every time we go. Sounds like you had a fun Pima trip!

Jan said...

I agree!! Aunt Linda your house should be in a magazine!! I love visiting and seeing how clever you are at arranging, your closets are even decorated!! The truck is so cool I love the red color and want to go for a ride around Pima in it sometime!

Anonymous said...

Riley is drooling over that truck' way cool... and yes the house is beautiful. Sounds like a wonderful trip, a step back in time.