Friday, March 25, 2011

Sisters are like that

Sisters are great for borrowing clothes, learning new hairstyles, boyfriend advice.  But......they're also great for copying their awesome decorating ideas!  And thank the stars above, my sister is a FABULOUS decorator!  She came to my house in August after I had only lived here a month and had all kinds of ideas of what to do.  She had this vision for my laundry room, and I couldn't see it until I saw it in her laundry room.  She actually built shelves herself!   Her laundry room takes the cake and mine is only a nod to hers, but it's sooooo much better than it was.
She was my inspiration.

The Before:
 Dull.  Boring.  Drab.
 It's not very big but it sure was dreary.  Stark white walls, dark dreary oak everywhere.  So many detergent bottles!
 There's no sink in the tiny bathroom off the laundry room, so this is where people wash their hands and apparantly smoosh the towels around the towel bar as tight as they will go.
The freezer.  It's really just a place to put laundry baskets.  And then the baskets go on the floor when we need to get in the freezer.  Makes sense, right?

The After:
 white painted cabinets.  YES!! 
 Stole the detergents in bottles idea from Bev too.
 Cute little crate from Marshalls.  Bev gave me the Nellie's laundry soap and antique bread pan for softener sheets.

 Aaaah.  No more smooshed towels.
 Also stole this idea from the Master decorator to redo my cart and put it in the laundry room. 
 She gave me her wall paint swatch and I marched to Lowes and got some mixed up pronto.  best paint color ever!
So much lighter and brighter.  I LOVE my laundry room now.  I go in there and just stand and look and smile.  My family thinks I've gone nuts.  I can't wait to keep going on the rest of the house.  Oak beware!


Anonymous said...

I love it! You have an awesome sister! I need both of you at my house to give me some inspiration, you have been working hard girl, did you paint the cabinets yourself? It looks fabulous.

grandma said...

WOW! You have done a lot this week! I love the painted cabinets and the wall color. You and Beverly have VERY cute laundry rooms. I'll have to see what I can do with mine when I get to feeling better. I have been sick the past couple of days. Can't wait to see what you will show us next.

Bev said...

Oh my holy heavens!!! It looks so GREAT! It's amazing what paint can do. You work much faster than me - it took me weeks and you went home, bought the paint and had it done in less than a week! Your painting hand must be claw-like and cramped, but pat yourself on the back - you did it!!

Kim said...

Looks amazing!!! Great job!

Unknown said...

oooh! sooo much better! Love the scrabble letters, so cute!
stopping by from thrifty decor chick.

The Painted Parlor said...

Love your laundry room now, how cute!! Jealous! It's much lighter and looks bigger. Stop on by to my blog some time if you'd like ;)


Rach said...

Hi! Found your blog from Favorite paint colors, and I had to comment about how great of a job you did! I have a funny question too...did you spray paint your door handles in there? They look great. If you did, did they feel gritty at all? I'm trying to re-do our brassy goodness, however I can't figure out how to get rid of the gritty feeling afterwards...please, please help me if you can!

Rachyaimee at gmail dot com

Thank you so much, and your room looks fabulous!