Friday, September 6, 2013

My Home: How it's evolved

We bought our home three years ago.  At the time (before I started looking at blogs) I thought it was wonderful!   Yeah it was a little out of date, but the thought of the work that would have to be done to bring it up to speed was overwhelming to me.  But my sister convinced me that I just HAD to think about it.  So I did.  Slowly I've been chipping away at things.  Mostly painting and putting my own personal touch on it.
I found some pictures of the house taken by the previous owners when they still owned the house.  I thought it would be fun to compare their rooms to mine.  I'll be featuring one room at a time.  Let's start with the family room, shall we?

Here is what it looked like when we came to see the house for the first time:
Nothing too terrible about it.  Lots of oak and too much furniture making the space too crowded and cramped.  The wall color was soft so I didn't think we needed to change it right away.

Here's how the room looks now:

Basically the only thing I've done in here is paint the fireplace and add my own decorative detail. (Previous owner made his own decorative sun detail that he attached with Velcro so he could change it out for the winter one with trees and a deer.)
  I've painted the French doors also and of course added our own furniture.  And I updated the oak ceiling fan with spray paint.  We do have a monstrosity of a couch, but this is where we hang out and watch movies, and it works for us.  We tried two separate couches in here for a while and it just didn't work.
I'll be back later to show another before and after room.
Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Huge improvements, what a lovely room.

Bev said...

The room looks so much bigger and brighter now. You have the decorating touch - it looks so warm and welcoming.