Friday, February 22, 2013

Forcing Spring

I'm not a very patient person at times.  I used to sneak and peak at my Christmas presents as a kid.  I learned it's better to wait.  But I don't want to wait on Spring any longer.  I want it nowwww!!!!!!  (Do you know what movie that's from?) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Anyway, I decided to just bring some Spring inside.  While everything outside is crispy and crunchy from the big freeze here, I can still have a little spring inside.  One thing that isn't crispy and crunchy is my hedge in front of my window.  It stays green and pretty all year long.  So I went out and trimmed some off and stuck in this cute little grape vine wreath.
I like how it looks in my bay window

I put together this little vinnette for my hutch

And put some Spring in this box my parents made and gave to me for Christmas

The mantle needed a little something.  I found this cute rabbit at Homegoods.
 I've had my eye on these little potted plants at Homegoods for awhile
I liked the little grapevine wreath so much I decided to make a bigger one for the front door.  And because I already had the grapevine, it was free.  Except for the burlap on a roll I got at walmart.  I love it, I've used it for so many things.
 Who knows how long the wreaths will stay green, but good thing I know where to get more.
 Sadly, as I was sprucing things up, hubby was cutting things down.  Those trees were so green and gorgeous before the cold snap.  I hope they come back even better than before.
Are you ready for Spring too?


Bev said...

I am so ready for Spring. Your house looks so cute and fresh with your green. I will be using some of your ideas. Got to get me some of that burlap ribbon! And let's see...which bush can I attack... Love the vignette and the mantel. Where did your little wooden stool on your table come from?

grandma said...

Yes, where did the cute stool come from. I love everything you did. I've been ready for spring ever since I took down the Christmas decorations, but snow and freezing cold has a way of putting a damper on things. Good job tho.

Becky said...

It was either goodwill or a yardsale, I can't remember. But I'm sure it was only $2, hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute, you are amazing! I have to admit spring is a little scary cause that means summer, that loooong lovely summer will get here so fast! But you are getting me in the mood for some spring, love it.

Bethany said...

You totally inspired me, I think I am going to freshen up my house today!!

Dawn said...

Becky you always decorate so beautifully. You need to go into business. It looks beautiful ! :)