Thursday, October 18, 2012

what I've been painting

I realize it's October and I should be blogging about all things pumpkin.  But I must show you my most recent finds.  My patio has been furniture defficient for a long time.  It bugs me that I don't have a comfortable place to sit out there.  I kind of wanted rocking chairs out there, I imagined that would be really relaxing to rock and look at my backyard.  I looked online and in stores.  Walmart has some wooden rocking chairs for $50 each.  I liked them alot, but just couldn't bite the $100 bullet.
While yard saling with my girls on Saturday, we spotted a wicker rocking chair.  I just about ran the car into a pole to get to it.  And would you believe it was only $5?!  It was natural wicker color with dark green trim.  So what. Paint will fix that.
After a couple of days, I thought I'd check craigslist to see if I could find another one.  And would you believe I did?  Just a short drive and $30 later, it was mine. (I didn't want to talk her down to $5, but I should have)     It was already white but needed repainting.
Then the next day I found some chair cushions at Walmart on clearance for $8.50 each.
Let's do the math, shall we?
Wicker chair: $5
Wicker chair: $30
Cushions: $17
Paint: Free, it was left here by the previous owners
Total= $52

The $30 chair is the bigger of the two.  They aren't the exact same chair, but pretty close.
The cushion has to be squeezed in to fit the smaller chair, but it's fine.
I'm pretty pleased and hope they last a long time.

I'll show you what else I've been painting tomorrow.



grandma said...

so cute! and what good bargains you find!

Anonymous said...

The are super cute and I love your blue barrel. What a cute porch it must be.

Bev said...

Very cute - you and your girls win the award for yard sale finds! Your porch looks so inviting, can I come rock and drink lemonade with you?

Nellie said...

Oh so cute--I'm coming in January!

Anonymous said...

Super cute! I'm so jealous! If I had more time I'd be doing what you're doing :) It is so fun!

Becky said...

This is a comment test, pay no attention to me.

Shaleice said...

Oo I love it! I didn't even notice they weren't the same chair til you said something. :) Super cute porch!

Kim said...

Super cute! What a lovely porch!