Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My baby is 12

It can't be true, but the calendar doesn't lie.  My baby turned 12 today, at 10:15 a.m.  She was so excited for this day to come.  I'm not entirely sure why it's so exciting to turn 12, but boy, she's excited.

 She finally gets to shave the "jungle" on her legs as she calls it and wear just a wee bit of makeup, and ditch primary and become a Beehive, and basically grow up before her mother's eyes without my permission!

  I've told her to knock it off, but she doesn't listen.  She just keeps on growing up anyway.

My little girl.  My baby.  And I know she'll always be my baby, just like I'll always be my mom's baby.  And she was always her mom's baby.  That's just the way it is.

We're all just a bunch of babies.

Happy Birthday sweet Isabelle.


Anonymous said...

12 is a big one! Soon she will be graduating from high sad I know.

Nellie said...

It's so nice to see you blogging again! I have missed you. I am a beehive leader and I would be so excited to be getting Isabelle as a brand new beehive! She is going to have so much fun.

Bev said...

Isabelle, you are definitely a YOUNG WOMAN now! That is so exciting - I hope you like shaving your legs cuz you'll be doing it for the rest of your life! HA But it's fun to wear makeup and do all those things. We all love you, Isabelle!

Shaleice said...

awww yay! Happy birthday Isabelle! :) SO grown up now! And yes, you WILL be shaving your legs for the rest of your the summer. hahah. Cuz in the winter you can wear pants and pantyhose and so no one knows you've got a forest growing in ;) muahaha. Love you!! and Dustin (sitting next to me) says "Hi Izzy and Happy Birthday." :)