Thursday, August 23, 2012


My camera that I've only had for a year and a half has kicked the bucket.  I'm kind of lost without it.  So I will revert to my old point and shoot.  The blog must go on.  This post is about the new addition to our family.  I'm pregnant.
Heck no I'm not!!
This is about this crazy girl's love of animals.
She has more than enough love to go around.  You can see how much she loves this guy:
She has been asking for another puppy for a longgggg time.  I finally told her when she can buy the puppy herself, we'll get one.  So she worked, babysat and saved her money until sure enough she found the puppy she wanted.   I wasn't really ready for it but how can you tell that to a girl you've made a deal with?
So we added this little cutie to the family last week.
 Just wook at that witto face!!

Her name is Zipper.   aka Zippity Do Dah, Miss Zip, Zippie, etc, etc.
She's just a little thing, probably 2or3 lbs. right now.  She'll get to be about 10 lbs.  She a chihuahua terrier mix.  So far she's just about the easiest puppy we've ever had.  She knows how to go in & out of the doggy door and loves to go outside.  She's only had a couple of accidents on the floor.  She sleeps when she's tired and plays when she's not.  Her and Zero have become good friends and love to play.  But when he's tired of her, all he has to do is jump on the couch and go to sleep.  It's good for him to have a companion when we're all away from home.  A new puppy is an adjustment for sure, but everyone in the house just loves her.

  And no one is happier than this girl!


grandma said...

She is sooooo cute. I'm glad you got your own puppy, Isablelle.

Anonymous said...

What a cute dog. I have missed your blogs girl, good to finally hear about the happenings of the Cook clan.

Bev said...

Yes I'm glad you're back too. I don't necessarily need to post, but you do! It is a very cute puppy. Wasn't our dog BB a terrier mix? Isabelle looks like one happy girl.