Saturday, May 19, 2012

another Cook graduates

It's a little hard for me to swallow that my little Emily has graduated from high school.  I blinked and she grew up right before my eyes.  I'm so incredibly proud of the awesome young woman she has become.  She's always (except for some teenage years) been a bright spot in our family.  Always making us laugh, leaving us love notes, being helpful and just alot of fun to be around.  I present to you Miss Emily, the most recent graduate of the Cook family.

 Her choir group perfomed two songs at the graduation.
Getting her diploma on the jumbo tron.
 The family
 It was really sunny. and hot. and windy. and sunny.
 The grandparents

 The fab friends
Congratulation Emily dear!


Anonymous said...

So cute, she is darling. Its kind of sad how fast high school goes by and then their life changes so much. Congrats!

Annette said...

What a cute daughter!! I agree they do grow up so fast. My Zach will be a senior next year. Hard to believe. You have a great family. You have been through a lot this past month.

grandma said...

We are very proud of Emily, the fun, talented, beautiful young lady she is. She has always been and continues to be such a joy. And the other kids -- we are very proud of them too. Congratulations Emily and good joy Becky.

Bev said...

Wow, our little Emily is all grown up now. You only have one child in school now!!! That's crazy. Your life will be very different too. You know what they say...."The only thing that never changes is that everything always changes"

Jan said...

Emily is beautiful, Congratulations!! I am go glad your family could all be together for the big day, casts, bandages and all...

Kim said...

What a great day! Congratulations to Emily! They do grow up so fast it's not even funny.

Bethany said...

Emily is beautiful!

I was so surprised to see my boy at the end of that post!