Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring at my house

Is is Spring yet?  I haven't looked at the calendar to see if it's official, I just go by how I feel.  And I feel like it's Spring.   I got my hands dirty yesterday and Springified my house.  I planted some more flowers in the front flower bed.

They smell so good and look so pretty.

I hung my Spring wreath on the door.

It looks a little sad and thrown together, I'll have to freshen it up later.

I got this huge pot at a yard sale last summer I think, and it's just been sitting around.  So I gave it a little paint job, not a very good one, but maybe it looks a little aged now?  Yeah that's it, it looks aged now.  Planted some flowers and put it in between the two garage doors to give the driveway a little Spring.

Pots on the patio table.  This is what I see out the window when I'm at the kitchen sink.  A nice view.
This is a sitting area outside my bedroom door, on the back patio.  I got these chairs at a thrift store, painted them gray and called it good.  Planted the flowers in a tin planter to give it some Spring.
I started these seeds inside a few weeks ago and we converted this box that used to be the firepit into our new garden.  It's an itty bitty baby garden.  We'll see how it does.

It's fun to get your hands in the dirt and watch things grow.  What have you done to welcome Spring?
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grandma said...

How pretty, springy, festive,----all of these, and your garden looks good, with things growing. We're working on our yard, but it still gets so cold at night. I'm ready for warmer weather, but the wind is probably going to blow really hard today. Oh well. That's what happens in March.

Bev said...

How great to have flowers, I love your front beds - flowers always make me appreciate life just a little more. I love Spring and have planted a little myself. Yours all look great - now if it just won't get hot too fast and kill them all, right?

thistlewoodfarm said...

I'm with you! I feel like spring is in the air, too! I saw little buds on the roses yesterday :)

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

What beautiful flowers, I love them, what a great time to be outside and getting your hands dirty, I love to do that but I have been inside working on a spring quilt.

Shannon Baker said...

Looks so lovely!