Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Painting my life away

If you were fortunate enough to move into your home with the doors, cabinets, window sills, mouldings and shelves already white and you like it that way:  THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS!

This is what my entire home looked like when I moved in.  Oak.  Everywhere.  Oak.
I know some people would be perfectly happy to have it.  Here's one of my many, many doors to be painted.  I've already painted over the brass handles.
But I have visions of this:

So.........I must keep doing this:
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See you in a year or so.


Nellie said...

I was fortunate to move into a house with all white doors and trim. You have so much energy but painting can wear a person out. When you are ready to take a break, we should all get together while I'm here.

Becky said...

That would be so fun, what did you have in mind?

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. Mine are all wood, I want to paint them but havent yet. Yours are looking good!

grandma said...

What beautiful visions (pictures) you posted. My doors are all white - because we painted them many years ago, but my house doesn't look like any of those. You will finish someday and it will be beautiful (your house already is) and worth it. Don't work too hard.

Alissa said...

Dude, I am so in the same boat. Oak everywhere. Everywhere. And I hate painting trim. It is so time consuming. So anyways I feel your pain. Just keep telling yourself how good they will look when they are done.

grandma said...

Hey Becky

I was just a wondering, A , the next time MoM can get me to do some painting, I was just a wondering, can I get you to come up and help. I can pay.

love DaD

Bev said...

Your entry way door looks great, little by little it will all begin to look like your inspiration photos. You've already accomplished the kitchen, laundry room and kids bathroom, the rest is all downhill!

Shannon Baker said...

Looks great! My door were white, but flat. I'm in the process of adding trim to them. I haven't been brave enough to paint the hardware, any idea how durable they are once they're painted?

Carin said...

Wow, that's boat loads of work, but it will be well worth it.It will transform your space and be timeless. Good luck!

Free Art Printables said...

You'll be so happy when it's done! It will look great!

Stephanie said...

Becky I'm back on your blog! I love seeing all your new projects! You seriously get me to thinking... What could I do to my house? Just like you I moved into a house with lots of things I knew I wanted to change and at the time I had the money to change them. Then the economy went to crap and our house in AZ didn't sell and there went all our savings! We have been in this house for almost 6 years now and I've done a few projects but there is about a hundred more to do. Little by little I've got to plug away at it because I know waiting just might KILL me! Thanks for all the inspiration!