Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Mother's House Tour: The Craft Room

I spent a couple of days at my parent's house last weekend. I always love to look at the different things they have done to their house since I was there last. But this time for some reason, their house just blew me away! I told my mom her house should be in a magazine, and I'm convinced if she had a blog, her house would be featured in a magazine! I took pictures of almost every room and am going to feature a room a day.
Today is the craft room:
She is a collector, that's for sure. Her and my dad have been going to the Texas antique shows for a couple of years now and she finds the most amazing things. Like this cute little Philadelphia Cream Cheese mini drawers. She has all kinds of little antiques jewelry pieces and things she's been saving for years tucked away in the drawers. We looked at every drawer, inspecting each item.

She has a way of displaying things like ribbon and thread in such a cute way.

This is her to die for craft closet. Fabric, boxes, flowers, papers of all kinds. It's a work of art.

This is another picture worthy display of her cigar box collection, salt and pepper shakers, most filled with glitter, her giant button jar and cute card box filled with everything needed for crafting.

The room shouldn't even be called a craft room, that's not a good enough description. It should be called "the creative room where you can spend hours and hours". In fact, my daughter Emily wrote a high school paper on this room and her Grandma.

She has a way of putting things together and displaying all her items perfectly.

Stacks of books and magazines, hat boxes, bottles, old dolls, string, ribbon, it just goes on and on. You can't take it all in at one time. It has to be discovered in layers. My two girls love to look in Grandma's craft room and usually talk her out of something to take home. I'm sure they'll always remember it.

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Anonymous said...

I have had the privilege of visiting that room and it is truly amazing, I could have hung out in there for much, much longer....it gets your creative juices flowing, as does her entire house, I'm so glad you will be featuring it on your blog. Such talent and creativity flows through that Boren blood.

Anonymous said...

oh and your blog looks great!

Jan said...

I have so much fun visiting your parents home it is truly inspiring and fun, not a closet, nook or cranny left undecorated. It is awesome!!

Bev said...

It's hard to believe that room was once my bedroom! Mom has so many fun and beautiful things to create with in there! But I like looking at how it's all displayed the best.

lala said...

Fantastic space!!! Can't wait to see the rest of your mom's home, thank you for sharing.

Shaleice said...

We totally need to submit Grandma's home to the Home and Garden magazine. Someone's gotta get up there and take pics of her house and do that!!!