Monday, October 31, 2011

Tricks and Treats

Happy Halloween!!
We carved a very tricky witch pumpkin last night.  Here she is all spooky and glowing by candlelight.

Here is my treat of a chandelier my mom and dad found for me in Texas.  I took all the electrical out of it and hung it out in my gazebo.  Dollar store emergency candles make it glow.

Here is my outdoor "room" lit up (with the help of the flash).  It's nice to sit out here now that the nights have finally cooled down.

Those are my tricks and treats for Halloween.  I'm attempting to make bread bowls with potato soup for dinner.  Something to balance out all the candy!

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Anonymous said...

So cute, as always, you are amazing!

grandma said...

Love it all. The chandaleir looks great.

Bev said...

such goodness and fun at the cook house. I can practically smell the soup in the bread bowls. Your gazebo is wonderful! And I want to hire you as a halloween consultant next year. We are boring and costume-lamed over here.