Monday, July 11, 2011

A little change

We moved into this house a year ago.  I was excited that there was a red wall because I've always wanted a red wall.  Or so I thought.  After one year of looking at that red wall I wanted nothing more than for that red wall to go away.
And so it did.  It took me a few hours, but the red wall is no longer.
Hello "pebbblestone" wall (kind of a green/gray/tan color). I went ahead and took it around the bay window wall also.
I think it totally changes the whole feel of the room.  Lighter, brighter, fresher.
And if you're good at noticing details, you'll notice I switched the sofas in the two rooms.  I don't know if it's better or worse but I needed a change.

This room has more of a traditional feel now.  Why do I feel the need to change things around?  Some people leave everything in their house the same way for years and years.

I would be so terribly miserable!

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Bev said...

WOW! What a change! It gives the room a completely different feel. I like it. Changes are always good at making me like my house again. Good job, Becky!

Anonymous said...

I like it too, very soothing, I wish I had your energy, you are always up to something. Very cute!

Jeri said...

It's so comfy and inviting! I love the color you choose! The new paint color did give the room a whole new look! Great job!

Nellie said...

Can I come for chips and salsa and enjoy your beautiful home?

R @ Rebecca's Roundup said...

WAY better w/out the red! Nice choice!

grandma said...

You wonder why you allways want to change things and your not sure why?

Remember you are your mothers daughter. Her middle name is change.


grandma said...

I really like what you did. My mind tells me I would like to change a few things, but my back screams NO, NO, NO. So---if you have done all you want to your house, come to mine.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Awesome awesome! I have never been a fan of red walls! Your new paint looks so much better.

Kati @ Housewife_Swagger said...

awwww this turned out really cute!!! I like the newer color!!

Bethany said...

I love it Becky! and I LOVE change!!!! Especially when it comes to decor ..... Makes me want to paint something...

Wendy said...

Amazing what a little paint can do! It looks beautiful! We just painted over a red wall this year too! Excited to have found your blog...happy to follow along with you!