Friday, June 24, 2011

girl's rooms

So.  Emily has the lockers in her room.  She begged and I relented.  She had more use of it than I did. They actually look pretty good in there.  We were able to eliminate alot of things she had in her room that were making it cramped and crowded, so that's a good thing.  That girl has alot of stuff and she was able to fill up almost all of the lockers.  I think only two are still empty.
The paint color will be changing in her room soon.  She thinks she wants a creamy buttery yellow.  We hung a chalkboard on the side with her work schedule on it to keep her organized and we stacked the top with lots of cute things.
Isabelle got a little room makeover when Emily passed down some of her things.  She's happy too.

It's fun to change up a room once in awhile!


grandma said...

Both rooms look very cute. Its nice to change things. I need to do that.

Anonymous said...

How fun! i would have LOVED to have those in my room when I was a teenager, you are a heck of a mom!

Bethany said...

Changing rooms is seriously one of the most fun things there is. They both look awesome!

Bev said...

Oooooh, Lucky emily! Lockers in your room would be a dream. Isabelle's room looks cute too. How fun to redo for Summer!