
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

sweet little chair

I had an itch yesterday to do a quick project.  One that doesn't take weeks and weeks like our bathroom remodel.  I've been wanting to do something with the little chair in my bedroom for a long time.  Mom gave it to me and I think it used to be Grandma Hancock's.  Like a dummy I didn't take a picture of it in it's before state, but it was kind of orangy wood color.  The seat had a pink and green plaid fabric I put on it years ago. Not a pretty look.  So I just dove in, and this is what I came up with:
I've really been liking the chairs I see in blogland covered in drop cloth.  So I first painted it creamy white and distressed it.  Then I covered the seat with drop cloth and made a ruffle flounce in the same drop cloth.  I did it all with my glue gun.  Yep, glue gun.

I really like it.  And with the cute french pillow mom gave me for Christmas, it's a perfect pairing.  I'll show you what else I did with the same $10 drop cloth soon in the bathroom reveal.  I'm very excited for it to be done soon.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Once there was a snowman

Our ward youth put on a variety show and dessert auction to raise money for girls camp.  This is what Emily and her partner Isabelle performed.  For those of you who were at Thanksgiving, this is the same act, only a little better.

They make a great team and have alot of fun doing it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Big Oops

So you only thought my kitchen table was done!  I was so close.  All I had to do was put some coats of poly on it.  I even bought the poly and was about to put it on the table.  And then I saw just a few spots of stain that had come off from people eating at the table before I had the chance to put the poly on!!  But I had run out of the stain I used.  So I found some stain the previous owners had left for us.  It was the same dark color, but not the same brand.  I thought it wouldn't hurt to just touch up a few spots, and then I just kept going because it looked so good.  So I put it on the entire table.  What I failed to notice was the word oil on the bottle.  Meanwhile, sixteen hours later when it was just as wet and sticky as the moment I put it on, I knew I had a problem.  A big one.
So what started out as a simple little two hour project turned into something much bigger and more time consuming.  A trip to Home Depot later for some furniture stripper and a husband who felt sorry for my mishap and this is what it looked like:

A goopy, sticky, gunky, gummy, globby hot mess is what it was.  We did this for awhile, and then hit it with the belt sander.  It's finally back to about where I began.  But I'm not giving up.  I WILL finish this table.  Dadgummit!

And this is AFTER he worked on the bathroom remodel all day.  What a guy.  Sometimes it's like he lives with I Love Lucy.  Almost.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A little bit of table love

I've had my kitchen table set for almost seven years.  I LOVED it when I bought it and have loved it ever since.   I didn't want to get a new table.  I'm still in love with this one. It's rock solid and in excellent shape.  I love the creamy white distressed finish on the table base and chairs.  I love that it has two leaves that fold into the table, so maybe when we get some sons or daughter in law, we can fit everyone.  But sometimes, things have to change.  I found myself not loving the pine finish on the table top so much anymore.  And I knew what to do about it.

I sanded it down.  Yes, by hand.  Our hand held sander has disappeared.  It didn't take that long, but I was covered in fine powder.  And like a dummy, I had just swept and mopped the floor earlier before I got my wild hair to do this project.
I then started applying the stain in sections, wiping off as I went.  I did this a few times and then brushed the last coat on as if it were paint.  The lighter grain still shows through a little which I like.  I also took a hammer to my beloved table to ding it up and give it some character.
I hope it can forgive me. 
And this is what it looks like now:

I still need to put a couple coats of poly on to protect it.  And then tackle the chair seats because they are still light pine.  Should I paint them the chair color, or stain them to match the table top?  Any ideas?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Got Birds? And a Foot Massage

I love birds, as I'm sure everyone does.  So I decided to show you some of my little birdies around my house.  This little bird Mom gave me and sits on my spring mantle.
The two lovebirds Bev gave me and they sit under a cloche protecting their eggs.
this is kind of hard to tell it's a bird, but I like it for some reason.
another little birdie with spring eggs.
a real little bird's nest with one real half egg, the rest are fake.
A cute bird basket found at Hobby Lobby on clearance with some soap eggs from Mom
a bird hanging picture also from Hobby Lobby in front of my bathroom window to catch the light
this is my mother in law's bird in her pot of flowers I'm tending for her.
And the best of all, real birds in my outside bird feeder.  I love watching them flitter around.
And this is the best thing ever!  Isabelle loves to give foot masages.  She asks me all the time if she can do my feet!
 She gets a bowl of nice warm/hot water, some foot scrub, foot lotion, a buffer thingy, a towel, and works her magic on my feet!  She even did Emily's, Amanda's and Phillip's feet during Conference.   What a girl!
I'm raising her allowance.