
Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Big Oops

So you only thought my kitchen table was done!  I was so close.  All I had to do was put some coats of poly on it.  I even bought the poly and was about to put it on the table.  And then I saw just a few spots of stain that had come off from people eating at the table before I had the chance to put the poly on!!  But I had run out of the stain I used.  So I found some stain the previous owners had left for us.  It was the same dark color, but not the same brand.  I thought it wouldn't hurt to just touch up a few spots, and then I just kept going because it looked so good.  So I put it on the entire table.  What I failed to notice was the word oil on the bottle.  Meanwhile, sixteen hours later when it was just as wet and sticky as the moment I put it on, I knew I had a problem.  A big one.
So what started out as a simple little two hour project turned into something much bigger and more time consuming.  A trip to Home Depot later for some furniture stripper and a husband who felt sorry for my mishap and this is what it looked like:

A goopy, sticky, gunky, gummy, globby hot mess is what it was.  We did this for awhile, and then hit it with the belt sander.  It's finally back to about where I began.  But I'm not giving up.  I WILL finish this table.  Dadgummit!

And this is AFTER he worked on the bathroom remodel all day.  What a guy.  Sometimes it's like he lives with I Love Lucy.  Almost.


  1. OH MY! Things like that have happened to me. Its really aggrivating. But now you can start over again. Tell Desi to hang in there.

  2. Oh no! not fun, its a good thing you've got a helpful husband, your table was looking great, I'm sure it will again.

  3. oh dear I just hate redo's like that. You've got the right attitude, though...just don't give up, Lucy! (I'm Lucy, too)

  4. Whoops! How cute you are to show mistakes.

  5. Oh no! I just did something similar last night. I wanted to finish a dresser a la Miss Mustard Seed and I stripped the top of it because the previous owner had painted it blue only to find that it wasn't even wood underneath! Some sort of 70's cheap white plastic! Bummer!
