
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

sweet little chair

I had an itch yesterday to do a quick project.  One that doesn't take weeks and weeks like our bathroom remodel.  I've been wanting to do something with the little chair in my bedroom for a long time.  Mom gave it to me and I think it used to be Grandma Hancock's.  Like a dummy I didn't take a picture of it in it's before state, but it was kind of orangy wood color.  The seat had a pink and green plaid fabric I put on it years ago. Not a pretty look.  So I just dove in, and this is what I came up with:
I've really been liking the chairs I see in blogland covered in drop cloth.  So I first painted it creamy white and distressed it.  Then I covered the seat with drop cloth and made a ruffle flounce in the same drop cloth.  I did it all with my glue gun.  Yep, glue gun.

I really like it.  And with the cute french pillow mom gave me for Christmas, it's a perfect pairing.  I'll show you what else I did with the same $10 drop cloth soon in the bathroom reveal.  I'm very excited for it to be done soon.


  1. You made this chair look so cute. I can't believe you used your glue gun for this. I need to use the canvas I got at Harbor Freight.

  2. Very cute Becky. I've got a drop cloth waiting to be turned into something, you're on the ball! - just keep those pics of re-dos coming, we all love them!
