Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What we gave, what we got.

Valentines is fun.  An excuse to give little things that say I Love You to the ones you love.  Here's how our family surprised eachother this year:

Emily worked in her room for a couple hours the night before to create one of a kind Valentines for each of us.  They were so cute.
She decorated this flower pot for me with a candy bar inside.
Isabelle made these suckers for her class.  Lips for the girls and mustaches for the boys. They're cute because when you have the sucker in your mouth it looks like you have big red lips or a black curly mustache.
She made extra ones for us.

These are the flowers I made for the girls.  I saw this on another blog.  They're easy but a little time consuming.  Different sizes of fabric cut out with corners rounded and curl the edges above a candle flame.  Then layer them on top of eachother and stitch together and add the pearls.  I made some with hairclips on the back and some with pins to go on clothes.

This is what I made for Phillip.  I had a brain freeze what to get him.  This is what I came up with.  I'm sure he would have liked a box of golfballs better.  But I'd rather be creative.   He asked me if we were still in high school.
And this is what he got for me.  Along with his helper Isabelle, they picked this out.  He smuggled it into the restraunt in his sock.  As we were enjoying our appetizer bread and talking about our day, he slipped it onto the table somehow without me noticing.  It was several minutes before I saw the box.  It was just like a commercial or movie!  I got to open a jewelry box in an Italian Restraunt.  Nice!

Lovely.  What a guy!

Hope you had a nice Valentines Day too.


grandma said...

WOW! What cute things you all gave and got. You are all so creative.

Kim said...

What a special day! Love your bracelet & the cute hair flowers you made for your girls :)

Bev said...

Creative, cute and lovey!!! You'll have to teach me how to make those cute flowers.

Anonymous said...

What a fun day...so, so cute! I need some girls around my house to add some flare! You are just amazing!