Saturday, February 19, 2011

Savers: Part One

Yesterday I popped into Savers to see what I could see.  I found some good treasures.
 First, I saw this little beauty:
It had good bones and I knew I could do something with it.  The ivey and little pink flowers had to go.  But it was in a nice pot and had a good grapevine cone shape.

So after I got it home, I took everything off of it and turned it into this:
Just jute or twine wrapped around it.  I didn't even glue it anywhere.  Here it is in it's new home.  I even recycled the ivy.
I also found four white plates to use around the house here and there.
 And then I saw this light:
It looked like it had all it's parts and was in very good condition.  And the best part is that it was only $20!
I've been wanting to replace this light above our kitchen table:

I'm going to replace everything brass in this house if it's the last thing I do!  So I bought the light and brought it home.  Dear husband happened to be home and after some grumbling, he started to work on putting it up.  So here it is in it's new home.  It may not be the new trendy chandelier rage that's going on right now, but it's a heck of a lot better than I had.  And for only $20!!!
I also got two very cute skirts, and a small glass jar to hold q-tips in the bathroom.   So that's a topiary, four plates, glass jar,  light fixture and two skirts for $45.

A good day.


Bev said...

Looks like a successful day at Savers. I really like the light. I remember your old one now that I see the photo - a HUGE improvement! How nice that it's already up too. Cute topiary, I probably would've walked right by it. You're creative!

grandma said...

You find such good things at Savers. The light was a good find and looks great - along with your other stuff. And Skirts too? I want to see pictures of you wearing them.

Anonymous said...

Yes Becky...Fashion show!

You are amazing! and even a star sighting, you are just a star!