
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thrifty Valentines

What could this be??

a cute and easy Valentines banner I made with paper doilies.

I had fun making these Valentine decorations with things I found at the 99cent store.  This is a glittery heart from a gift bag that I cut out and glued to some cursive writing scrapbook paper and put into a frame I already had.

This cute little diplay is in my entry way in the darling tray from my sister.  The homemade Valentines are the creative genious of my mother and the rose hearts are from the 99cents store this year and the be mine is from last year.
                                                                                   I WAS going to put some cinnamon candy hearts I had been saving to put in the silver dish (from Savers), but Logan saw them lying there untouched for a few days still in the bag from the store and naturally figured they were meant just for him.  He ate the whole bag.

I love decorating and creating and thrifting.   So much fun!


  1. I heart it! Ok, you are motivating me.

  2. So cute, cute, cute. You should be on Martha.

  3. Now I'm inspired to get my valentines stuff out. So cute Becky! I guess I'd better head to my 99 cent store too!

  4. Very cute! I am going to be stealing some of your ideas and making cute decorations!s
