
Monday, January 31, 2011

Sick Days

What do you do when you're home sick for four days??  ( I told her to look extra sick for the picture)
You make tissue paper flowers for your room
this one is her favorite
a nice pop of color for her walls
You also play with your Polly's.  That Ariel sure can cook!
Dopey is pretending to be the baby
And you play LOTS of card games with your Mom outside in the sun.  And you watch LOTS of movies.  And eat popsicles.
That's what you do.


  1. It all sounds like fun to me....I guess if you gotta be sick that's the way to do it. Cute flowers! Can you teach us how some time?

  2. I really like sick days! I don't have to be home all alone, and I get to take extra good care someone! I hope Isabelle is feeling better soon! And I love the tissue paper flowers - SUPER cute!!!!

  3. Isabelle is so lucky to have a mom who spends so much time with her and does fun things together. I never told you kids, but I liked it when you were home sick. I liked the company and I got to spend time with all of you. Now I have Dad at home to keep me company.
