
Monday, January 31, 2011

Sick Days

What do you do when you're home sick for four days??  ( I told her to look extra sick for the picture)
You make tissue paper flowers for your room
this one is her favorite
a nice pop of color for her walls
You also play with your Polly's.  That Ariel sure can cook!
Dopey is pretending to be the baby
And you play LOTS of card games with your Mom outside in the sun.  And you watch LOTS of movies.  And eat popsicles.
That's what you do.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thrifty Valentines

What could this be??

a cute and easy Valentines banner I made with paper doilies.

I had fun making these Valentine decorations with things I found at the 99cent store.  This is a glittery heart from a gift bag that I cut out and glued to some cursive writing scrapbook paper and put into a frame I already had.

This cute little diplay is in my entry way in the darling tray from my sister.  The homemade Valentines are the creative genious of my mother and the rose hearts are from the 99cents store this year and the be mine is from last year.
                                                                                   I WAS going to put some cinnamon candy hearts I had been saving to put in the silver dish (from Savers), but Logan saw them lying there untouched for a few days still in the bag from the store and naturally figured they were meant just for him.  He ate the whole bag.

I love decorating and creating and thrifting.   So much fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Love is in the air

Valentines is a fun Holiday.  Whether you believe it's a made up Holiday for commercialism or not.  I still like it.  A time set apart just to be lovey.  It seems to come so fast being in the middle of the month.  So I'm giving you a jumpstart into Valentines.  This is what my little sweetie Isabelle left for me after her shower this morning.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is a Homemaker

First of all, I love blogging.  It kind of gives a purpose to what I do day to day.  A computer journal of sorts.  Second of all, I LOVE being a homemaker.  I have never ever once thought I'd like to get a job in the real world.  There have been times when I thought maybe I need to get a job or maybe I should get a job.  But never I want to get a job.  There's just too many things to do at home!  I iron and clean toilets and do laundry, yeah, yeah.  But I also get to make my house a Home.  Like turning this:
Into this.  An inspiration message board for my family.
Or turning these:
Into this.  Get out of town this juice is amazing!
I have many rosemary bushes in my yard.  They're about the only thing that isn't brown and crunchy right now.  So I snipped some and brought it inside to make my kitchen smell wonderful!
Yes I love it all.
 How do you make your house a home???

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This Girl

This girl has got it together.  She's starting up her 4th semester at GCC on a scholarship.  She has all her schooling mapped out down to the classes she will take each semester until she can apply to MidWestern for the Pharmacy program.  She will have an A average when she applies.

She's worked at the same place for four years and worked her way up the ladder.  She currently works customer service at Fry's.  She bought herself a car just before Christmas.  She's letting Emily make payments to her while Emily drives her old car.  She helps Isabelle with her homework and takes her on hikes and to lunch for her birthday.  She gave me a PotteryBarn giftcard for my birthday and a fabulous purse for Christmas.
AND she cooked me an omelet for breakfast this morning!

I think she's turning out pretty good, if I do say so myself.