Thursday, November 4, 2010

Looky! A Before and After

I'm at it again.  Just can't leave well enough alone.  This time the fireplace was my victim.  If my house were not swimming in oak and the fireplace were the only piece of oak in the house, I would have left it.  It was pretty enough.  But it got lost in all the oakness.  It was crying for help.  It just wanted to be noticed, to stand out.  I hope I made it happy.



I used a miter box and a caulking gun for the first time.  I primed and painted and nailed and glued.  AND I did it without any help from the husband.  Power to the Girl!


Anonymous said...

you go girl! I love it and I am sooo impressed, did you even do the tile? Wow! i want to come see your house, its looking so cute.

Briannon said...

holy cow, that looks so flippin good! Your going to have to teach me how to use that box, your talking about. It looks so sheek and professional to me, like something jeff lewis would have done

grandma said...

I am SO impressed! You did this all by yourself and it looks great. I think you made the fireplace and yourself very happy.

Nellie said...

Ohlala! I love it!

Janet and Nate said...

Amazing! Love IT!!

Kim said...

Amazing!!! Very impressed with the whole thing! Did you replace the tile or is it painted? It looks like new so I was just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you, you've got skills! It looks gorgeous becky!

Bev said...

You da girl - you go girl!!! I love before and afters! Keep 'em coming! Better watch out or your relief society will have you teaching mini classes. And if they don't I will!

Erin said...

Love it!!! You did an awesome job!!

Jan said...

That looks really great. You did a fantastic job!!!