Friday, September 10, 2010

Help a Sista Out!

I'm giving a talk in church on Sunday on Blessings of the Temple.  I know how the Temple has blessed me and what blessings I've recieved by going to the Temple.  But what about you?  I promise not to use any names.  Could you share with me how the Temple has blessed your life?    It would just give my talk another dimension if I had other's experiences to share.  Pretty please??

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I could go on and on...the Temple has blessed me so much, I still go as much as I can because of the strength it gives me to just get through life. I feel the spirit and I get a better eternal perspective on things, my favorite thing is praying in the celestial room, I swear those prayers get the express way to heaven! One fo my favorite talks on the Temple is by Wendy Watson called spiritual therapy (or something like that) She has so many good quotes an stories, I swear that talk changed my life, might be a good one to listen to, it is from a womens conference, not sure the year but about 10 years ago.
I hope this helps, if you were closer I would come and hear you, I am sure you will do fabulous! Good luck

grandma said...

Wow! You guys just talked in church didn't you, but I guess that was in your old ward. Just having a temple in this valley has, I think, changed everyone who lives here. We all feel very blessed, and it has brought unity to the towns around. We have been involved in cleaning the Temple, and all the people that come to help say they feel it is a privilege to be there and clean the Lord's House. It is a blessing to have children and grandchildren able to be married and sealed there and perform baptisms for the dead. ETERNAL FAMILIES - thats what its all about.

the princess said...

for me, it's how we learned where we were supposed to live in colorado. michael and i had been looking at houses in other cities near denver and decided to go to the temple since we were close (and without kids!). we both left the temple and looked at each other and said "highlands ranch" at the same time. this was a city we hadn't even given a thought to. however, it was such a wonderful decision! the teacher at my son's school is perfect for him. our ward is splendid and so friendly - which i desperately needed after moving so far from family.

Becky said...

Thank you for your comments, people. I didn't have much time to give the talk I prepared. Logan and Emily's talks were longer than I thought they'd be. But overall it went well. Glad it's done. Now on to my Relief Society lesson next week!

Nellie said...

I'm sure you gave an amazing talk. Elder Bateman who is pres of the Provo temple---gave the most powerful talk on the temple at our adult Sat. night session---but my notes don't do it justice. All I can say is we are fortunate to have temples so close to us. My friends husband is building the Phoenix temple.