Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How I know he loves me

Aside from the fact that he tells me he loves me, works hard to provide for me, hugs and kisses on me and tells me that I'm pretty:  there's something else:

He can't watch movies where the wife dies.  It's too much for him.

That's how I know.


Melynda King said...

Very sweet!

Melynda King said...

I love the new family picture!!!

Nellie said...

That's romantic! I am going to make your tomato soup--yum........

Bethany said...

Who would have thunk Phil could be a romantic guy? That is so sweet!

grandma said...

How nice. I really like the picture too. Everyone looks good and Amanda looks SO skinny. I hope I can save the picture to my computer, then print it. I'll find out.

Anonymous said...

Becky, that was precious ...

Bev said...

Very sweet. Tough men can be softies.

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks beautiful, what a good lookin family, Becky...We all love you!

Kim said...

That is so sweet! What a great husband!