
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How I know he loves me

Aside from the fact that he tells me he loves me, works hard to provide for me, hugs and kisses on me and tells me that I'm pretty:  there's something else:

He can't watch movies where the wife dies.  It's too much for him.

That's how I know.

Yummy tomato soup

I may or may not have posted about this soup before, who knows.  But I made it the other night and still can't believe how scrumptious and simple it is.  Paired with grilled cheese sandwiches.  Delightful.  All you do is take your favorite marinara sauce.  The one I used was tomato and basil. Basil makes it more sweet than tangy which is what I like.  Pour it into a sauce pan and then add half and half to the consistency you like.  I added some italian seasoning to it.  That's it.  Dip your grilled cheeser into it.

Your Welcome.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Do you hear that?

It's silence.  Oh sweet silence.  The house is quiet.  There's no noisy Disney channel blaring.  No ipod sounding from a bedroom somewhere.  No golf tournament playing.  No house full of friends.  All those things are good and fine and well, but for pete's sake I need me some silence!!  At least for a little while.
  Then I'll be itching to hear how the first day of school went, and get some noise back in this house.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Does this mean I've crossed over?

So in Sacrament meeting today, there were three teenagers sitting directly two rows behind us.  There didn't seem to be any parents with these said teenagers.  These teenagers didn't seem to be related.  But this is what I heard as the Sacrament was being passed: "Shut uuuupp!"  "Nothing would make me happier than to kick you in the face!"  "Shut uuuuuppp!"  And on and on and freaking on!  They proceeded to talk during the entire meeting.  Not whispering, folks.  Talking.  I turned around to give them "the look" a few times.  They didn't react in the slightest.  My blood was BOILING!  not a good feeling to have during church.  The entire meeting was lost for me.  I couldn't wait to catch them in the hall and give them a piece of my mind. And so I did. That's so not like me.  I don't know what came over me.  The poor girl looked horrified.  One of the boys who was talking the most said he wasn't being loud, and I wanted to pull his ear.   Phillip said I'm officially old now, and then I told him what the kid said and he suddenly became old too.  No, we're not young anymore.  And Thank Goodness!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What I did with $15

Did I mention that when my Fab Sister was here she demanded  suggested we find a desk before she left so I could start work on my future office?  We found this one on craigslist, but only after driving to kingdom come and back again.  Why is it that when you're not looking for something, it's everywhere.  But when you're looking for it, you can't find it.  Anyway.  The man had it listed for $25.  After taking a look at it and surveying the work, she talked him down to $15.  Plus he just wanted it out of his garage.  Score.  It fit just perfect in her Suburban. Sweet.  So I worked on it today.  Got all the drawers to open and close.  Real wood, no laminate here.
  And ladies and is the before:
And of course, the after:
I decided to stain the top and keep it dark, a much better work surface.  I kind of like the look.  What do you think?

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Don't you just love before and afters?  I do.  My fabulous Sister Beverly came to town this week on a mission.  To transform my house!  She studied it and knew just what had to be done.  Starting with my furniture.  I've known for a long time I wanted to paint this armoir a robins egg blue.  There's no talking about things with her, there's only doing.  Why didn't I get that trait?

After.  Isn't it lovely?
So we thought as long as we're transforming one piece, we might as well do a couple more at the same time.  We turned a boring, blah oak sofa table into this little beauty!
and a little ugly brown butlers table turned classic black, but I didn't take a picture.  She also rearranged my Living room into this.  And reaccessorized all the built in book shelves, living room and family room.  Some of the things we found at Ikea.  If you haven't been to Ikea yet, stop what you're doing right now and run there as fast as you can!
She has convinced me that I need an office and I need to paint my oak kitchen cabinets white. Whew!  I'm tired just thinking about it all, but I know she's right.  Aren't big sisters always right?
Thanks Bev!