
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Does this mean I've crossed over?

So in Sacrament meeting today, there were three teenagers sitting directly two rows behind us.  There didn't seem to be any parents with these said teenagers.  These teenagers didn't seem to be related.  But this is what I heard as the Sacrament was being passed: "Shut uuuupp!"  "Nothing would make me happier than to kick you in the face!"  "Shut uuuuuppp!"  And on and on and freaking on!  They proceeded to talk during the entire meeting.  Not whispering, folks.  Talking.  I turned around to give them "the look" a few times.  They didn't react in the slightest.  My blood was BOILING!  not a good feeling to have during church.  The entire meeting was lost for me.  I couldn't wait to catch them in the hall and give them a piece of my mind. And so I did. That's so not like me.  I don't know what came over me.  The poor girl looked horrified.  One of the boys who was talking the most said he wasn't being loud, and I wanted to pull his ear.   Phillip said I'm officially old now, and then I told him what the kid said and he suddenly became old too.  No, we're not young anymore.  And Thank Goodness!


  1. Oh My! You've joined the "I can't put up with this any longer" crowd. But good for you. Where are the parents? They should be watching them.

  2. wow, sure doesnt sound like my soft spoken yw leader that i use to know...I bet the teenagers thought you were a total B...hehe makes me laugh, i just cant think of you being one..your too nice

  3. Yep, Yep, Yep, That's what you get for changing wards on us!!!! LOL
    I'm just kidding, after seeing your new beautiful home, I understand why you moved!!! But, we do miss you!
