
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Yummy tomato soup

I may or may not have posted about this soup before, who knows.  But I made it the other night and still can't believe how scrumptious and simple it is.  Paired with grilled cheese sandwiches.  Delightful.  All you do is take your favorite marinara sauce.  The one I used was tomato and basil. Basil makes it more sweet than tangy which is what I like.  Pour it into a sauce pan and then add half and half to the consistency you like.  I added some italian seasoning to it.  That's it.  Dip your grilled cheeser into it.

Your Welcome.


  1. mmmm this sounds really really good.

  2. You gave me that recipe before and we loved it, but I forgot it even existed. We will have to try it again!

  3. Sounds delicious & simple! I'll have to try it.
