Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't hate me....

just because I went to Paradise (Maui) for ten days. And walked the golden sand beaches at sunset, hand in hand with my love. And drove the most beautiful drive in the world. And snorkeled in the clear blue ocean and saw a Mama whale and her calf. And enjoyed a beautiful resort with exotic wildlife and mouth watering food. And relaxed and rejuvinated and had the most wonderful time.

Don't hate me for all of this. I needed it. Because I am the Mother of three teenagers.
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grandma said...

I'm happy for you. Love, Mom

grandma said...

Well, I think you should think about your old dicreped, lonely, never get to go anywhere good parents the next time you go to your paradise. We are not long for this world you know. But anyway I am happy for you. It sounds and looks like it's a wonderful place to go. Do these things now, don't wait until Philip retires.

Love you


Bev said...

What great pictures. Sounds like your 10-day paradise was wonderful. Do you ever wonder why we live in the desert when there are places like that in the world?

Jan said...

I agree you deserve a fabulous vacation. A friend once told me when you go with your kids it's a trip when just you and your husband go it's a vacation. The pictures are great.

Nellie said...

I kind of hate you because we have had 3 weeks of snow. But you do have 3 teenagers so you deserve every minute of it! By the way you two look like teenagers! Once again, I loved your post.

Anonymous said...

I Hate You!!

Except you are my wonderful cousin and I could never hate you, looks like fun! I'm sure those 3 teeners missed you very much!

Kim said...

Oh so fun!!! How did your kids survive w/o you!?