
Sunday, July 12, 2009


Isabelle was naming off all the things she wants for her Birthday.
I told her to make a list for her Birthday and for Christmas.
Then I explained to her how she probably won't get as many things for her Birthday as she will for Christmas so she needs to put on her Birthday list what she really wants first.
Then I told her she might not get everything on her Christmas list.
She said: "I'm going to get everything on my list for Christmas because Santa Claus loves me."

I stand corrected.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Isabelle,
    I know Santa Claus loves you and so do a lot of other people. I would like a list of things from you too, except different from the list for your mom. We had a lot of fun when you were here and we hope you will come back and stay with us again. Love, Grandma
