
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good Times

We have lived in this house five years next month. These last five years have been the good times. I didn't always know it at the time though. Back when the kids still liked to swim together. When they would let Amanda dress them up and take pictures. When they put on Christmas Eve programs. When they would play games with their Dad. When they just liked being together and hanging out and acting silly. I miss those times. But time can't stand still and life goes on. I know there are good times ahead, and then those will be the good times.


  1. Great pictures! I think that we have to remind ourselves every time we do something fun - "these are the good times!!!" Because they are!

  2. Cute, cute pictures that I've never seen before. Its funny how we don't appreciate the good times til they're over. But you'll have lots more to come.

  3. yeah I sometimes think that times were better back when... but I think time has a way of making us forget the bad and mostly remember the good, so sometimes it seems easier or better than it was. But you've definitely had some tough issues to deal with lately.

  4. I have more fun peeking in on your activities. Love all the pictures and memories. Seems kinda personal to be peeking but it sure breaks up my day.

    :) GS

  5. Love the pictures of the cute little Cooks!

  6. Those are the best pictures. It is amazing how much kids change over the years. You have an awesome family!!!!!
