Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Still Training the Husband

Okay, I don't know about all of you, but I've gotten a little fed up. I've been feeling (husband hates that word) pretty walked on, taken advantage of, neglected, ignored etc. lately. I'm sure all of you know how complete and total opposites we are. It's definately had it's challenges over the years. Twenty years this June to be exact. I usually sulk, feel sorry for myself, cry, when I feel wronged. But yesterday I thought "You know, I should just make it easy on him and write down on a little index card how to make me happy. His very logical, organized brain would probably appreciate that." So that's just what I did. Titled the card: How to understand and keep happy the WOMAN you're married to. (because I think he forgets women are different from men.) Then numbered it 1-4. I won't go into detail here what I put on the card, but I kept it very simple. I think only four is being very generous!! I waited until he was undressed and in bed so he couldn't escape and then I presented it to him. He didn't take it seriously at first, but I stuck to my guns. At the end of the twenty minutes or so it took to go over each one and talk about it, I think there was a dim light that came on for him. Dim. He actually said he would give it some thought, and admitted he's not the most romantic, sensitive guy. I asked him to do the same for me and write down what I could do to make him happier. (scarry thought). We'll see if he actually presents his list to me or ignores it and hopes it all goes away. Just because these Husbands have been married a long time doesn't mean they don't have to try anymore! Look how sweet and in love the Hinckley's were all of their lives. This isn't fiction, people. It's real life. It's hard and stressful and messy. But that's why we're in it together. Not alone. Together.


Melynda King said...

Great idea! I hope it works for you. You deserve only the best! You are an amazing, beautiful, talented and patient woman that Phil should feel lucky to have!

Nellie said...

Oh, Becky that is such a great idea. I gave Bruce a piece of my mind last night. We gotta stand up for ourselves!

Anonymous said...

Becky you are just sooo nice....all the way to the bone. A few years ago I cussed for the first time to stand up for myself and WOW did it work....just a suggestion I think sister Hinckley cussed once at her kids!

grandma said...

I wish I could say it gets easier, but it doesn't. Wait til the retirement years when a husband is around all day expecting to be fed. Now that's really fun.

Dawn said...

I love it! You stick to your guns. We have to tell them on a regular basis unfortunately. About two or three times a year for mine. It was more often when we were first married.

Dawn said...

You absolutely deserve to be treated like a Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!