
Monday, March 2, 2009

Sometimes Mom's are better

Logan has been frustrated with not being able to go driving as often as he would like (has to beg and plead parents to take him). So far, Phillip is the only one who had taken him out. I wanted nothing to do with it. But I could see how much Logan wanted to try and get better. He was still having a hard time figuring out the clutch thing. He would ask me questions about how to start out in first gear, says he doesn't get it. And I could see that his Dad wasn't planning on taking him anytime soon. (thinks Logan should be a perfect kid and earn the priveledge. we all know that's not gonna happen.) So Friday night about 9:30 Logan and I headed out in the Jeep. Serious whiplash and neck injuries were a real possibility. Surprisingly, there weren't that many people out on the roads. We went to the parking lot of a big church just up the street. If you've ever tried to TELL someone HOW to drive a stick shift, it can be quite exasperating for both parties involved! I could see this just wasn't working. So I got in the driver's seat. Logan in the passenger seat. Opened the door so the light would come on in the cab because the dome light doesn't work. And I simply SHOWED Logan what I do with my feet. Over and over. AHA!! The lightbulb came on! We switched back and after a few times he had it. I took him out the next morning just so he could refresh what he had mastered and again that night to pick Emily up at her friend's house. I never thought I would say this, but Logan is actually a really good driver. Puts his blinker on in plenty of time. Is aware of what is around him, doesn't go too fast, even told Emily to put her seatbelt on! For Logan, that's HUGE. I'm sure it's just because he's a new driver. I'll take it. He drove with Phillip to church the next morning and I think Phillip was surprised at how much he's improved. But it's just another thing I won't get credit for. Mother's never do.


  1. I think moms make better teachers in lots of cases. We have more patience sometimes. Good job getting him going - I'm sure he'll always remember the night his mom taught him to drive a stick shift. I still remember Dad teaching me one day down in the river bottom. Some memories are always there!

  2. I still remember Von teaching me to drive a stick shift in a vacant lot. I guess he had a lot of patience. Some things we never forget. You deserve credit for being a good teacher and having patience.

  3. Becky your incredible. How hard for Logan to learn on a clutch. I'm teaching Bethany last...yahooo!

  4. Teaching any kid to drive is terrifying. Thank goodness I only had to do it three times. Good job on figuring out that Logan needed a visual. That is the best way to teach sometimes.
