
Thursday, March 12, 2009

"just me" getaway

I got to get away this past weekend all by myself. I picked up my sister and her husband at the airport and we drove down to Pima (hometown) for our Aunt and Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary. We had quiet adult conversation in the car, or laughed at whatever we wanted, stopped for Dairy Queen twice (because we can), went out to lunch with Mom and Dad and Brother and his Family. We got to see cousins and friends we haven't seen in awhile. We even sat in our swimsuits in the guitar shaped hot springs built for the Rolling stones! Oodles of fun! Even if it wasn't much over 24 hours it was needed and was great. I highly recommend a "just you" getaway once in awhile. Sanity is preferred over insanity!


  1. I'm really glad you all came up. It was fun watching people try to decide which person they were talking to, Beverly or Becky. It is harder now that you both have dark hair. It was fun and I wish we could do it more often, get together that is.

  2. It was great to see you Becky!!! You are beautiful!! Glad we all came and I agree we need them more often!!
