
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Wedding

I've almost forgotten how to blog it's been so long.  About mid September my daughter got engaged and we were in full wedding mode for her Oct. 12th wedding.  And I just haven't gotten back into the swing of blogging.  But I thought I'd share some pics of the big day.

Since it was going to be in our backyard, she wanted to keep it simple but wanted touches of lace and a rustic feel with burlap.  So my first order of business was deciding what to put on the tables.  I bought a lot of burlap and made some runners for the guest and food tables.  We borrowed the tables and chairs and the backdrop.  I made paper flowers for the backs of the chairs with brown coffee filters.
 blue mason jars with fresh flowers and mini white pumpkins also sat on the tables.

I made as much for this wedding as I could.  Lots of bunting and banners. And I used a lot of things I already had.

We did the flowers and her bouquet ourselves.
The bride's sister did her hair
We made the food for the wedding guests, which was quite tasty.

We hung lights over the yard, had glass jar luminaries lining the driveway and floating candles in the pool.

The groom's mother and I made all the cakes for the reception and I made the wedding cake.

 We couldn't have done it without all the help that day.  Thanks everyone!
And now we have another member of our family!  He fits right in.

Good music, good food, good company

These two lovebirds were happy
And that makes this mom happy too.


  1. Wow Becky is there anything you cant do? Absolutely beautiful! I love it all, continually impressed by my cute cousin.

  2. Beautiful bride that Amanda girl!!! Very cute couple for sure!!! Becky, everything looked wonderful. Mother's of the bride are truly amazing people!! Loved all the pics!

  3. I haven't looked on your blog for a while so I am a little behind, but yes, what an amazing evening it was - so beautiful and lovely and wonderful. Amanda made a beautiful bride and they seem so happy together. Becky, you are hired as the official family wedding planner. Keep all those ideas in a notebook, I'll be calling on you one day.
