
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Creamy Caramel Sauce

I like to try things out on pinterest.  When I saw this easy caramel sauce, I wanted to see if it was actually delicious and easy.  I'm sure everyone already does this for their go to caramel sauce and I'm the last one on the train.  Oh well.
 It really couldn't be any easier.  A can of sweetened condensed milk.  This is the brand I had already in my pantry.  I wonder if different brands taste different?

Put it in your crock pot and cover it with water.  Put the lid on and turn it to low for three hours.
That. Is. It.
Then you put it into a cute little jar to store in your fridge.
Put it on ice cream with some heath toffee bits (see below),  or dip it with apple slices, I think a caramel apple pie would be yummy. 

It's rich and creamy, but oh so easy. 


  1. I can't believe this really works. I'll have to try it -- it looks yummy.

  2. keep reporting to us about Pinterest! I trust you...

  3. I've been wanting to try this for a few years now. Why haven't I?...I don't know, but now that I know it works I'm so doing this.
