
Thursday, January 24, 2013

A sneek peek

I've been busy going through stuff at my house.  Organizing, cleaning out, getting rid of, moving around. It's been much overdue.  I thought we were pretty good about not having alot of stuff when we moved 2 1/2 years ago.  Well it's amazing what you can accumulate in that short amount of time.  I feel like I've just been trading stuff with Goodwill.  I buy stuff and then I donate stuff and then I buy more stuff and then I donate stuff.  It's a problem.  I am going to do better this year.  I don't need to bring in more junk in my house.  If the hunt and challenge of finding cool things wasn't so darn addicting!  So if I just pin more stuff and buy less stuff, I won't clutter my house.
Anyway,  I'm really excited about my new office/craft room.  I'm finally getting going on it.  I've wanted it forever and now it's becoming a reality.  It's not done so I can't reveal it but I'll give you a sneak peek:

I also wanted to share a yummy breakfast to keep your energy going while you're doing all that organizing and closet cleaning.

toast a piece of whole wheat bread or bagel.  I like toast because I like the crunch.

fry an egg.  I like the yoke smashed and cooked all the way through, lightly salted and peppered.

after the egg has cooked and is still in the pan, place a wedge of laughing cow light creamy swiss cheese spread and let it get gooey.

cut a few slices of avacado and smash on the toast with a fork.  I like to sprinkle a tiny bit of cayenne pepper and sea salt on it.

place the cooked egg on the avacado toast and spread cheese around on egg.

 I bet it would be good with a tomato too. I used to think my grandma was crazy for eating things like avacado and tomato for breakfast.  Breakfast was supposed to be sugared cereal and pancakes!

Now devour it.  So yummy.  At least I think so.


  1. Love the new look of your blog! I feel the same way about Goodwill. I drop stuff off to donate, and then walk in and buy more stuff I really don't need. I think I'm one short step away from being featured on Hoarders. :)
    Can't wait to see the new room!!!!!

  2. I like the sneak peek. I am looking forward to seeing the whole room - which I'm sure is going to be amazing!

  3. That breakfast sounds yummy to me too, I would definitely include the tomato. Your sneak peak has me very curious. Is that just a tip of black shelf bracket I spy? Maybe you decided not to go with white? It all looks wonderful so far...

  4. I know what I am going to have for breakfast! That sounds yummy!

  5. That does sound yummy, going to try it and I cant wait to see the reveal! I wish you lived closer cause maybe instead of goodwill we could trade with each other, I almost bought something at a thrift store when I realized I had silly and so addicting and soooo fun!
