
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Giddy about my new space!

This room has been a wish of mine for a long time.  It's worn different hats.  A boring office, son's room, catch all.  But now it has a purpose.  A reason for being.  A breath of fresh air.  Let's get started, shall we?
I saw this pegboard idea on pinterest recently and that's what kicked the whole thing off.  It just so happens that we had the pegboard hanging in a bedroom and it wasn't being utilized.  Bingo!  So Mr. handy hubby took it down and put it up in here for me.  Then he framed it with some molding left over in the garage and I painted it.  Cost for this pegboard:  nothing

 I'm still finding things to fill it with but so far, I already had everything.  I'm trying to get creative and  repurpose things I already had, like this little decorative latter turned ribbon storage.  I think it's cute. I also got the idea from pinterest to wrap ribbon around craft sticks.  That's what is in the jar in the back.  Good way to store ribbon!  WHAT would we do without pinterest.
Phillip had these wire baskets in the garage with yucky garage things in them.  I can't believe I haven't stolen them before now.  Now they hold my decorative and solid paper.
This little table was made by me in high school and has been a behind the sofa table.  I don't know if it will stay here but for now it's a cute little work space.  I'm on the look out for an old door I can do a little chalkboard painting on and stand up in the corner there for messages and notes.
This dresser came out of Isabelle's room after we moved all her clothes into her closet shelves.  Now it holds alot of paperwork and files and things that are not pretty to look at.
My mom and dad gave me this cute old suitcase for my birthday.  She had notes and letters I had written over the years and some of my baby dresses inside.  It's too cute to not be displayed.  I'm going to keep my camera and any pictures waiting for projects in it.
 Here's the computer station. 
 And shelves above.  They have more decorative than functional items. Sweet sister gave me these oh so cute mason jars.  I found the vintage suitcase last summer with my parents and sister.   I'll have to put those baskets to use.

This is a cabinet I've had for a long time.  It's great for storing baskets of craft supplies.  I'll probably paint it down the road but I'm all painted out from painting these wood shutters.  If you ever want to know the wrong way to paint wood shutters, I'm your girl.  I thought it would be no big deal.  It would have been alot easier to spray paint them but I wanted them in my favorite white (Swiss Coffee) and you can't buy that in spray paint.  So I painted them with a brush.  Let's just say when I get ready to paint the living room shutters I'll be buying a paint sprayer.  Goodness gracious!
These white metal locker baskets were a goodwill find.  They are from pottery barn teen.  I was able to get four of them for $20.  Only one was white and the others were different colors so I spray painted one of them white and Isabelle has the other two in her room.
Wire basket with fabric
 My armoire holds gift wrapping supplies and miscellaneous items (stuff).
 I slapped these drop cloths up for curtains when we needed some privacy when this was Logan's room.  I'll most likely be getting some real ones soon.
That's the tour, folks.  I think the only thing I spent on this room was the metal brackets and wood for the shelves.  I already had everything else.  Does that make me a little hoarderish?
Thanks for taking a look at my new space.  I'm not sure what I'm going to call it yet.  Moffice, Studio, Craft room.  Any ideas?
linking up to:

Monday, January 28, 2013

long hall wall

Well it's only taken me over FOUR years since Amanda graduated and not quite a year since Emily graduated, but I finally got their senior pictures up on the wall.  I took the pictures myself and had them printed at Costco.  I bought a canvas at Savers or Goodwill, I can't remember.  It had an unattractive painting on it, so I spraypainted it black and then placed Emily's pictures where I wanted them and modge podged.  That's it.
For Amanda's I used a painting I already had but didn't really like.  It's one of those that are painted onto a piece of wood or mdf board and no frame.  So I painted it black, placed her pictures on and modge podged.  And wahlah.
Poor Logan didn't get any senior pics, so I'll have to do a photo session with him sometime.  I reserved a spot on the wall for him.  I don't want to wait six years for Isabelle's, so I'll do the same for her.   I'd like to make one of Phillip and I and another one of some mixed pictures of all of us.  It's alot easier than trying to find individual frames for all those pictures.  And alot cheaper too!

 My hall gallery wall is coming along.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A sneek peek

I've been busy going through stuff at my house.  Organizing, cleaning out, getting rid of, moving around. It's been much overdue.  I thought we were pretty good about not having alot of stuff when we moved 2 1/2 years ago.  Well it's amazing what you can accumulate in that short amount of time.  I feel like I've just been trading stuff with Goodwill.  I buy stuff and then I donate stuff and then I buy more stuff and then I donate stuff.  It's a problem.  I am going to do better this year.  I don't need to bring in more junk in my house.  If the hunt and challenge of finding cool things wasn't so darn addicting!  So if I just pin more stuff and buy less stuff, I won't clutter my house.
Anyway,  I'm really excited about my new office/craft room.  I'm finally getting going on it.  I've wanted it forever and now it's becoming a reality.  It's not done so I can't reveal it but I'll give you a sneak peek:

I also wanted to share a yummy breakfast to keep your energy going while you're doing all that organizing and closet cleaning.

toast a piece of whole wheat bread or bagel.  I like toast because I like the crunch.

fry an egg.  I like the yoke smashed and cooked all the way through, lightly salted and peppered.

after the egg has cooked and is still in the pan, place a wedge of laughing cow light creamy swiss cheese spread and let it get gooey.

cut a few slices of avacado and smash on the toast with a fork.  I like to sprinkle a tiny bit of cayenne pepper and sea salt on it.

place the cooked egg on the avacado toast and spread cheese around on egg.

 I bet it would be good with a tomato too. I used to think my grandma was crazy for eating things like avacado and tomato for breakfast.  Breakfast was supposed to be sugared cereal and pancakes!

Now devour it.  So yummy.  At least I think so.