
Thursday, May 31, 2012

truly scared and true love

The first part of this post involves a practical joke played on my two youngest.  It's not something we do regularly, but it sure was fun.  Phillip and I watched the newly released on DVD movie "The Woman in Black" with Daniel Radcliffe.  I'm soooo glad I didn't see it in the theater.  It's pretty intense.  We had it for 24 hrs. so we made Amanda and Emily watch it later.  Isabelle was not interested in having nightmares, so she declined.  Later that evening, Emily and Isabelle went out to heart attack some girls in our ward for their bdays.  That's when the inspiration hit.  We knew Emily was freaked out by the movie so we decided to play a little joke on her.  We (Phillip, Amanda and myself) took my dress form and put a long black dress on it.  The dress had a hood attached, so we put a basketball inside for the head.  We then placed it by the backdoor and put a battery glowing candle behind it so it glowed the silouette.  It was creepy.  We had so much fun.  I just felt bad that Isabelle had to be a victim.  Well they didn't get home until very late, after we all went to bed so we didn't see their reaction.  But they recounted for us the next morning that Isabelle was first and as soon as she saw it, she got behind Emily.  Emily saw it and just froze.  She was frozen with fear.  It took her a couple minutes to figure it out and then she just started laughing.  And laughed for the next ten minutes.  Here's the pictures with the flash and without.
 kind of hard to see, but you can tell it's creepy.
I know, we're bad parents.  I just hope they don't get even with us.

Now on to a little bit lighter.  Amanda's good friend Beth is getting married tomorrow.  I didn't know what to get her, I didn't want to just get her a generic wedding gift, I wanted it to have a little meaning for her.  So I went thrifting.  I found this frame and it was perfect.  I didn't have to do anything to it.  It was even already distressed. AND had a burlap backing!!

I already had some scrabble tiles and played around with them until I liked the letter arrangement.  I glued them down and added some flowers that I made awhile back and waalaah.  A personalized wedding gift.  I also bought a big "G" for their last name at hobbylobby, keeping with the letter theme.

So there you have it. a little bit of chills, a little frills.
the end.


  1. That is hilarious....nothing like a little spice at the Cook house.

    Love the wedding gift, so cute!

  2. Poor Isabelle always gets caught in the scary stuff. It would scare me spitless to have run into that. Cute wedding present -- original and personal.

  3. Score, on that great joke- I think for all the late nights that we spend waiting up for our kids that they deserve some weird parenting. It's so fun to visit your blog!

  4. I'd better not watch that movie, I know I'll be freaked out even without the scary basketball lady. Very cute wedding gift - so creative!

  5. It's good for anyone to get scared! (even Isabelle) Gets the blood pumping!!!
