Saturday, March 10, 2012


Remember the good ol' days when you went to Prom?  The hunt for finding the perfect dress, shoes and accessories.  Fixing your hair and makeup.  The corsage, dinner, dancing.  Good times, good times.

That good time for Emily was last night.  Mormon Prom.   It wasn't too hard to find the dress.  It was $60, she paid half and I paid half.  Then I sewed the sleeves on to make it modest.  It's really a very pretty dress. 

Check out her cute date!  And I think Emily looked very lovely.  She and I did her hair.  I made Grant's boutineer with flowers and greenery I had growing in my yard.

She went with a great group of kids who know how to have fun.

The lovely ladies

The handsome men

Best buds

I'm glad she can have these times to look back on.  Someday it will seem like a lifetime ago.
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grandma said...

Grandpa says that he thinks she's in love.

Don't ya think

grandma said...

Beautiful dress, beautiful girl, handsome couple. I'm glad she went, and had fun.

Nellie said...

What a great group of friends and they all look so stunning! I love her dress and hair.

Bev said...

Emily looks so beautiful, you did a good job sewing those sleeves!I never would've guessed it didn't come that way. And smart making your own corsage. Fun fun.

Anonymous said...

So adorable!!

Bev said...

Text me about the dance -Emily!

Kolein said...

So beautiful! The dresses are lovely! But you like you're about how can you have kids this age?
